Sean Weigold Ferguson from Orlando, Florida asks:
"What do predict will be the big changes to "search" as we know it today over the next 3 years? What are some of today's trends that you believe will believe will shape the future of Google search?"
"What do predict will be the big changes to "search" as we know it today over the next 3 years? What are some of today's trends that you believe will believe will shape the future of Google search?"
"We still have old content in the index. We block them via robots.txt, use 404 and delete them via Webmaster Tools, but Google keeps it. What can we do to quickly delete content from the index?"
"Are different sites treated differently? e.g. are blogs treated differently than e-commerce sites? Does Google attempt to figure out the context of a site or are all websites equal?"
The mistake many webmasters and keyword density tools make with keyword phrases is that you needn’t keep words in keyword phrases adjacent to each other. The sentence “White bread makes good toast” will fair just as well in search engine results as the phrase “white toast”. Creative use of keyword phrases makes your content both more informative and a more enjoyable read for your visitors.
"Does Google treat links in footers differently than links surrounded by text (e.g. in a paragraph)?"
"In the search results, Google will often display a snippet appropriate to the specific search query - often disregarding the meta description. Is Google doing away with meta description use like they did with meta keywords?"
"How does someone begin to SEO their site on a small budget in an overwhelmed industry such as real estate?"
"How do meta geo tags influence the search results?"
Will SEO still exist in 5 years?
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